Category: Archive
Estimation of Land Surface Temperature using LANDSAT-8 Data- A Case Study of District Malakand, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Muhammad Yasir, Sheng Hui, Sami Ur Rahman, Muhammad Ilyas Atif Zafar & Asif Mehmood
Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities; Issue: Vol. 1; No. 4; April 2020 (pp. 140-148)
DOI:Post Date: 30 April
Baloi ke Bao! The witch in Lauri Kubuitsile’s But Deliver us from Evil
Wazha Lopang
Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities; Issue: Vol. 1; No. 4; April 2020 (pp. 149-153)
DOI:Post Date: 30 April
Political Elitism And Ethnic Violence In Nigeria Since Independence
Michael Jude Denis
Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities; Issue: Vol. 1; No. 4; April 2020 (pp. 154-160)
DOI:Post Date: 30 April
COVID-19 in the United States: The Necessity of Each States’ Police Power in this Epic Battle for Public Health
Elijah Nielson, PhD
Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities; Issue: Vol. 1; No. 4; April 2020 (pp. 160-162)
DOI:Post Date: 30 April
Building the Temple of Salomo in the Early Medieval „Alamannia“
Dr. Thomas Kuentzel M.A.
Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities; Issue: Vol. 1; No. 4; April 2020 (pp. 163-185)
DOI:Post Date: 30 April
EFL Teacher candidates’ Perceptions of Group Work
Dr. Rayenne Dekhinet
Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities Issue: Vol. 1; No. 4; April 2020 (pp. 186-195)
DOI:Post Date: 30 April
A Regression Analysis of Juvenile Delinquency Among African American Females in Foster Care
Jackson de Carvalho, PhD & Felix O. Chima,
Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities (JLAH) Issue: Vol. 1; No. 5;May 2020 (pp. 1-15)
DOI:Post Date: 8 May
A Multi-Disciplinary Analogy: From Jazz To The Social Sciences
Dr. Benjamin Hawkinson & Cynthia Hawkinson
Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities (JLAH) Issue: Vol. 1; No. 5;May 2020 (pp. 16-24)
DOI:Post Date: 8 May
Genotype, Phenotype and Resistance to Damnation in Alice Walker’s The Third Life of Grange Copeland
Ousmane NGOM
Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities (JLAH) Issue: Vol. 1; No. 5;May 2020 (pp. 25-34)
DOI:Post Date: 8 May
Exploring the Visualization of Concepts, Objects, Places, Time and Activities
Alexandra Tranta & Daphne Kyriaki-Manessi, Markos Dendrinos
Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities (JLAH) Issue: Vol. 1; No. 5;May 2020 (pp. 35-40)
DOI:Post Date: 8 May